We can help you get the best price for your home and find somewhere splendid for your next move

New front door in 2024?

If you’re thinking of moving in 2024, make sure you choose an experienced, local estate agent like Lawlors. We have been trusted to successfully sell homes across West Essex for over 30 years.

  • You can rely on our knowledge of the marketand best-in-class property marketing to generatethe maximum interest in your property.
  • Our experience of managing a chain from startto finish is just as important as finding you acommitted buyer.
  • We only charge our fee when your property is
    SOLD, so you know we’ll work closely with youall the way through to completion.
  • To get the right mortgage deal we recommendyou talk to a broker with access to 1000s ofmortgage deals, which is why we can introduceyou to Embrace Financial Services.

To book your free valuation, simply complete our short form and one of our friendly team will be in touch to arrange an appointment for a date and time that suits you.

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Sorry, we are unable to provide a valuation for this address as it may be registered as a business address. A member of our Valuations Team may be able to provide more information. Book a Valuation to start the process.

Your sales valuation
{{ min_price }}
{{ average_price }}
{{ max_price }}
Lower estimation Best estimation Higher estimation
Your lettings valuation
{{ min_price_l }}
{{ average_price_l }}
{{ max_price_l }}
Lower estimation Best estimation Higher estimation

This instant value is based on local data and recently sold house prices in your area, . This is an estimate as we are unable to take the condition of your property and any improvements you may have made into consideration.

To get an accurate valuation based on a viewing of your property book an expert valuation now.

Thank you for requesting a valuation

We will be in touch shortly to confirm your appointment.

Looking to sell

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Looking to Buy?

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Do you want to save money on your mortgage?

Are you looking for a mortgage?

Book a free no obligation appointment

Contact our property management team to discuss your property needs with an expert

Contact our property management team

Get in touch with us to discuss your property needs with an expert

Looking to sell

Why sell with us?

Contact our property management team

Get in touch to discuss your property needs

Are you looking for a mortgage?

Book a free no obligation appointment

Please select up to 3 slots for your availability

Once you have made your selection the branch will be in touch to confirm a time with you. All appointments are subject to confirmation.

Boy and girl at the river mouth
Happy smiling senior couple
Jimi Epps – Operations Director


Mortgage and Protection services are referred to Embrace Financial Services Ltd.

Your initial mortgage appointment is without obligation.We normally charge a fee for our services; however, it is payable only on the submission of your mortgage application. The fee will depend on your circumstances but our standard fee is £549. Complex cases usually attract a higher fee. We will discuss and agree the fee with you prior to submitting any mortgage application.